Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Babies' Christmas Party

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Just Pictures

Winter Wonderland

Thursday, November 30, 2006
More Comparisons

Monday, November 20, 2006
Nothing New or Exciting

He loves this one. And I figured my dentist didn't need it anymore.
For those of you keeping track, this is what Matthew looked like this time last year:

Sunday, November 12, 2006
This One's For Myah

Sunday, November 05, 2006
Matthew's First Haircut

We went to a special kids place with TVs at every station (Backyardigans was a good choice for us; Daniel Cook weirds me out) and a different "mode of transportation" as the seats. Matthew didn't blink an eye, except when they wanted to put the cape on him. He ripped that thing off like it was burning his neck. It took less than half and hour for the transfomation, but it will take a lifetime for Rob's mom to forgive us for not waiting to see if he got ringlets. Sorry Dee, we just didn't want to take the risk of rat tail formation instead!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Happy Halloween!

And for those of you hounding me on my deathbed (Anonymous, I know who you are!) are you happy now?
Babies' Halloween Party
The Halloween party for the babies that I wrote about earlier was a huge success. The hit of the party was our little car that Matthew loves so much. If you're wondering what to get a 1-year old for Christmas, this toy is it. As soon as one baby had her turn, she was all about protecting it...there was growling, screaming and crying over it. A true sign of a good toy. Near the end, we got them all dressed up in their Halloween costumes to take this picture:
As you can see, the zoo is well represented with 2 monkeys, a bunny, a lamb, a chicken, a ladybug and a pumpkin. Unfortunately, Mike Wazowski (Monster's Inc.) would not sit for the photo opportunity. Shortly after this shot was taken, all babies had meltdowns. I wonder why?
As well, a couple of weeks ago, the other "Monkey Mom" and I got together for this shot. "Hey Matthew. That's a nice banana."
Halloween is a lot of fun when your kids are too little to complain about their costumes or how silly they look in them!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Here are some pictures...finally!

And this one, everything together (in black and white for effect, a la Abercrombe & Fitch; note the action shot):
So, there are some pictures to tide you over. Just to keep you checking, we had a baby group reunion yesterday and all the babies (8 of them!) dressed up in their Halloween costumes. I can't post the pictures until Halloween, but they're worth waiting for! Let's just say the zoo was well represented!
Have a good week...thanks for stopping by, Matthew friends.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
No, I haven't forgotten about this Blog!
Monday, October 02, 2006
First Day of "School" :(

Hopefully she'll get through this without tearing the tail off one of the cats...or God forbid eating a turtle.
Well, wish us luck with the rest of the week...tomorrow I'll wear waterproof mascara!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Our Weekend

And the milestone you've (I've) all been waiting for: He says MAMA! At last. And no, I'm not bothered that he calls everyone except Rob Mama. Indy likes it. And Sherwood likes it. And the car likes it. And his dinner likes it...
P.S. For those of you leaving comments, I have added a feature so that when you write them, they come to my e-mail first and I can decide if they're blog-worthy (he he). You know, so I can translate the Portugese before it goes in.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Just Chillin'

We've discovered that one of Matthew's favourite past times is reading. He'll find a book, open it, and "read" it. "Blah, Blah, Blah" page flip "Blah, Blah, BLAH" page flip. He does that until the end of the book and then he gets another one. This morning I caught him following along with his finger! Please disregard the fact that the book is upside down...maybe he's trying to tell me he wants to learn in Arabic.
Reading: check. Saying Mama: no f'n way.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Actual Update

Yesterday's doctor's appointment confirmed what we all know: Matthew is a really big baby! At 32.5" long, he's in the 98th percentile; at 25lbs 12oz, he weighs in the 90th percentile. No wonder he's outgrowing clothes like crazy! You'd think there'd been flooding in the house every time he wears pants!
At this doctor's appointment we were told he can now eat pretty much anything (no nuts though, so the PB&J will have to wait a few more years). I decided to give spagetti a try...hence the ENORMOUS bib. He liked the meat balls, just not the slippery spagetti. As you can tell by his measurements, he doesn't like anything to escape his mouth!
So, for you inquiring minds that wanted to know, now you do. And in case you're wondering, once again, he shed fewer tears than I did when the needles were administered. Those nurses are getting really tired of giving me lolly-pops at the end of Matthew's doctor's appointments!
This One's For Luke

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Wiffle Ball Champs 2006

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Happy Birthday, Matthew!

So that brings me to the end of this post and, I guess, to the end of year one. I can't wait to post on absolutely everything he does so you'll have lots to read. Please leave me comments so that I feel like you're still watching his every move!
Happy Birthday Matthew!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Matthew's Turning 1!!

Matthew's official birthday is August 30th, so expect a new post somewhere around that time complete with pictures from his birthday party and his 1-year picture. Oh, and if I write his age in months for anytime longer than 18, don't be afraid to send me hate mail.
You stay classy Matthew fans.