Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 17, 2007

Our Newest Addition

A Family of 4!
Our family grew by one on December 10th at 8:44am. Sebastian James was born, weighing 8lbs 10.5oz and 20" long. We're all doing well, and Matthew is adjusting as well as can be's pretty hard learning that the Earth does not, in fact, revolve around you! He's not yet in love with his little brother, but I think he has come to the conclusion that he's staying. Christmas should be interesting this year!

Sebastian after his first bath at the hospital

Hopefully you can all start the holidays feeling as lucky as we do. Our Christmas present came a little early this year, and hopefully it will lead us into the best holiday yet. There are sure to be many pictures taken this Christmas, so keep checking's amazing how much a baby changes from day to day (the things you forget!)

Anyway, enjoy your last minute shopping and be sure to stay on the "Nice" list!

Peace on Earth

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Matthew the Hockey Star

Matthew donned skates for the first time this weekend at my work Christmas party. It went surprisingly well, considering how much he hates changing shoes. He actually let Rob get the skates on and made it to the ice for about 5 minutes. He did hate the helmet, so maybe once he gets used to the idea, we'll have better luck!

This picture shows him clearly not enjoying the experience, but Sydney Crosby probably looked like this too at 27 months!

After the skating came the real party. He was reunited with his friend Fiona that he hadn't seen since we moved. They were absolutely adorable together!

Most of the afternoon was spent holding hands and being crazy together (this picture shows them sharing a chair, and likely some pizza). They hopped and jumped around the room for pretty close to 2 hours. Fiona's mom is really pleased that Matthew has such a calming influence on her daughter!! And then it got ugly.
Fiona recovered pretty well. And yes, this is my new screen saver. Sorry Fiona!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Finally, a Post

So, November posting didn't happen either. Thanks to those of you who still check for updates. I've been a slacker, but I can't apologize. It doesn't look good for December, either. Maybe the new year will have me blogging all the time again!

November was nuts for us: I started my maternity leave early to prepare for the move, and Matthew had his last day at his (my) beloved daycare. Remember his first day, when I cried like an idiot? Well, the same thing happened on his last day. I could barely speak and once again, decided too late that mascara was a very VERY bad idea. Matthew thought I was nuts and his teachers surely believe I am unbalanced.

We moved. How good can moving ever go? Well, when you have movers to do practically everything (they pack the GARBAGE!!!), it's as good as it can get. We're finally settled enough that I can post this, but not settled enough to take interior pictures.

Matthew is settling in to his new daycare nicely, although when he asks me about his old teachers ("Katie Kelly go?") I still tear up (let's be honest: I sob.). I'm also getting used to his being there only 3 days a week. Again, I don't know how people do it with a room full of toddlers when just one makes me crazy!!

So, here he is. The newest development is reading himself to sleep. We have to read him Dr. Seuss' ABC book every night. When we are finished ("Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz as you can plainly see."), he says "Matthew read it?" At which point, he puts it on his chest and points at the letters and says them. When we check on him before we go to bed at night, this is usually what we find:

I'm thinking he'll be a scholar!!!

The next picture is just for fun. Matthew loves the camera and decided to photograph himself the other day. This is the result. You'll probably never get another close up of a 2 year-old's armpit. You're welcome.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Our Lives are Crazy!!!

Sorry for no posts in October. Truly, we've been busy. Rob got transferred to the big city, so we bought a house, sold a house and worked full time, with Rob being away 3-4 days a week. How do single parents do this???

Anyway, here's the new house:


For interior pics, you'll just have to visit!

And today was, obviously, Halloween. Matthew hated his costume and would not stop saying "Dragon pants OFF!" We tricked him into it for a couple of pictures, but as soon as he entered a doorway, that dragon costume came flying off. He was distracted momentarily by doorbells, but again, as soon as the door was answered and he could enter and disrobe, he did so. Maybe next year we'll get him an angel costume instead of a monster!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Warning: "See Food" Picture follows

Sorry for the lag....our lives have been a little crazy lately. The details will follow shortly, I'm sure.

Anyway, here are some new pictures.
Rob taught him this. About as charming as his thumb in the lens!

We went to an apple orchard last weekend. There were apples, of course, but more importantly, there was a train. When it dropped us off to pick apples, and subsequently to pick up/drop off more people, Matthew cried because he thought it was leaving us! And then we taught him how to pluck apples off the tree; once he figured out that apples are really fun to eat right off the tree, he forgot about the train for a second. Just long enough to let us pick enough apples until the train came back!

We also got to pet some animals at the little barn they had there. The cows seemed to enjoy Matthew's impression of them: "MOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" The sheep also like it; try it the next time you're in a barn.

And this one was taken this afternoon. I told him to pose, and this what I got. He is so funny! Of course, this was accompanied by a very loud (everything's loud these days!) "CHEESE!"

I'll try my best to put more pictures up. In the meantime, CHEESE!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Milestones of Our 2 Year-old

Well, he's certainly 2. I'm not sure I can call them terrible yet, but "trying" seems to fit some days! The tantrums are well under way, as are the manipulations and whining, but along with that have come some amazing character traits we are so proud and excited of.

For instance, his vocabulary. Every day it's a new word and we're almost at sentences. Mommy and Daddy need to be VERY careful with what we say, because he listens to and repeats everything we say, or the television says. As an example, Rob was watching golf and they kept saying a certain golfer's name. Now, when asked, Matthew will say his favourite golfer is "Shingo."

Another astonishing trait, given that Rob and I are asleep by 8:30 every night, is Matthew's level of energy! He runs and jumps everywhere! There is absolutely no "Quiet" or "Cautious" in our son's ever-expanding vocabulary!

We wish he was even a little interested in toilet training, but alas, those battles will have to wait for a little while longer. His soother is another not-so-proud habit, but I must admit, I'm dreading that battle as well, and have put it off for just about long enough. He can put on sandals by himself, and is trying very hard to put his pants on alone. The only problem is that he first tries to get his pants over his head, instead of putting his feet in first! We're working on it.

Our son has an amazing (big!) personality. So full of smiles and giggles and full belly laughs. He can count to 5 and knows all of his colours, thanks mostly to daycare and a little to Sandra Boynton books. He makes us laugh every day and while we are so proud of him and can't wait for what the next day brings, we can't help but wish time would slow down just a little!

Now, doesn't this face scream "Trouble-maker"?!

I will never get tired of his "Camera face!"

A funny story to end on (I haven't done this in a month, so I'm making up for it, I guess). With Matthew's endless energy, he was doing laps around our living/dining room and got startled by the dog. He ended up stumbling and falling forehead-first into our staircase. Of course, he screamed, more because he was slowed down than hurt, and I picked him up to inspect the damage. Sure enough, there was a large scratch and an already forming bump and bruise.

"Well, Matthew, it looks like you're going to get quite the goose egg from this."

Amidst the crying (you know, that hitching, almost hysterical crying), and in his most plaintive, saddest voice:

"Honk. Honk. Honk."

We love you, Matthew!

More Party Pics

"Is he really opening more stuff?"
"Hmm. This one looks like it would fit here..."Uncle Jason and Grandpa Moody watching Matthew splash around.

"Get your own, Uncle Jason!"

Great Uncle Bob getting ready to move after listening to the incessant complaining from the two pregnant ladies about the fact that we cannot partake in that fine bottle of wine.

And, as always, one with Daddy. It makes me smile how they both always look so happy together!

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Happy Birthday, Matthew!

Here we are, another year gone! We had a great day to celebrate Matthew's 2nd birthday with family and our closest friends. Matthew was spoiled with presents and his birthday brought many gifts, most of which related to Thomas in some way. Thank you, Jason and Julie for being the "boring" relatives and giving Matthew something that a) does not make noise, and b) he'll be able to wear...his current wardrobe seems suddenly to be filled with flood pants!

We got Matthew a train table that he's still a little too little for, but loves just the same, as evidenced by the ear to ear grin. That could also be due to the fact that he is not wearing pants; like father, like son.

Luke, Viktoria and Jeff put on their party hats to help Matthew celebrate.

Matthew and I opening one of many, many gifts.

Matthew enjoying some birthday cake (some actually made it into his mouth AND he ate almost all of it with a fork!)

We had an amazing day. Thank you to everyone who was there to help us celebrate!

P.S. Note how in the first picture, the cake says "Happy Birthday Matth" due to the little hand in front!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Summer Pictures

So far we've had a really good, but crazy fast, summer. Here are a few pictures of Matthew enjoying the weather and the fact that he's almost 2.
Are those horns, or just static?
I asked him to smile for the camera, and this is what I got:
Matthew and I on the train in our park. Best $1.50 I've spent in a long time! Sometimes you have to take the picture first, then deal with the consequences of asking "What do you want to wear today, Matthew?"
Hope your summer's going well. Stay tuned for birthday pictures coming up soon (how is my baby almost 2????).

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Not Always an Angel

This is for all of you who say to us "Is Matthew ever unhappy?"

Why, yes, there are times when he can be quite the little bear. He is, after all, almost 2 and is not willing to let you forget that.

And yes, Heather, this is my new screen saver!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Buck Lake July 2007

Well, another fun week was had at Buck Lake over Canada Day and the following week. What made it even better was having Darren and Nicola there with us. The only bad thing was Matthew learning the word "Again." Thanks, Darren! I guess that's payback for being woken up every day at 5:30am by a toddler screaming the word "TIPTOE!"

We got some great pictures (thanks to Dee and Ron, ever vigilant with the camera!), but unfortunately none of Nicola. Well, we'll always have the memory of the disco dance with Matthew!

What a great week. We'll miss you guys (among other things, none of us can drive the Cozy Coupe with the same panache!).
With Daddy on the Dock

Splashing around with Darren
I love this picture!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Fond Farewell

From Front, left to right: Matthew, Austin, Ariana, Christina, Ella, Fiona, Maddie, Jasmine

Matthew and I were lucky enough to join a baby group to which all the mothers and babies seem to get along famously. We have stayed in touch from that first 6 weeks almost 2 years ago; sadly a couple of weeks ago, we had to say good luck and farewell to one of our dearest friends. Nat and her daughter Ariana (and new son Luca and husband Dal) moved to Ottawa for better career/family opportunities. We'll miss them so much! Here are a few pictures from the day, and a few more taken January, 2006. Time flies when you have great friends to celebrate children with!
Maddie and Ariana Jan. 2006
Matthew and Austin Jan. 2006
Matthew and Austin June 2007

Matthew will be quite a catch: already wanting to be in the kitchen cooking for his wife (with Ariana, of course)

Matthew, Austin and Maddie enjoying the inflatable gym (by enjoying, I mean jumping on each other and crying, then getting out, climbing up, sliding down and going in for more!!)

We had such a great day, and we've had such a wonderful couple of years! Matthew aleady has such a great group of friends (Daddy's excited that 95% are girls! I've said it before, but here it is again: our kid's a STUD!).

Just Because He's So F'n Cute!!!

Isn't he getting big??? He practically takes up the whole bed. Well, when he's not curled up with his little bum in the air, as per usual. If anyone gives me crap about the soother, I defy them to put Matthew to bed without it!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Let's See Who Checks This....

Well, Matthew is going to be a big brother! He'll be really good at it, but I think now's probably the time to work on the whole "MINE!!!" issue!

The new arrival is scheduled for December 13th, but like most scheduled arrivals, it's mostly an estimate, depending on turbulance and delays.

That's it for now. And as for the pictures of my growing belly, it's not going to happen. You're welcome.