For instance, his vocabulary. Every day it's a new word and we're almost at sentences. Mommy and Daddy need to be VERY careful with what we say, because he listens to and repeats everything we say, or the television says. As an example, Rob was watching golf and they kept saying a certain golfer's name. Now, when asked, Matthew will say his favourite golfer is "Shingo."
Another astonishing trait, given that Rob and I are asleep by 8:30 every night, is Matthew's level of energy! He runs and jumps everywhere! There is absolutely no "Quiet" or "Cautious" in our son's ever-expanding vocabulary!
We wish he was even a little interested in toilet training, but alas, those battles will have to wait for a little while longer. His soother is another not-so-proud habit, but I must admit, I'm dreading that battle as well, and have put it off for just about long enough. He can put on sandals by himself, and is trying very hard to put his pants on alone. The only problem is that he first tries to get his pants over his head, instead of putting his feet in first! We're working on it.
Our son has an amazing (big!) personality. So full of smiles and giggles and full belly laughs. He can count to 5 and knows all of his colours, thanks mostly to daycare and a little to Sandra Boynton books. He makes us laugh every day and while we are so proud of him and can't wait for what the next day brings, we can't help but wish time would slow down just a little!

I will never get tired of his "Camera face!"
A funny story to end on (I haven't done this in a month, so I'm making up for it, I guess). With Matthew's endless energy, he was doing laps around our living/dining room and got startled by the dog. He ended up stumbling and falling forehead-first into our staircase. Of course, he screamed, more because he was slowed down than hurt, and I picked him up to inspect the damage. Sure enough, there was a large scratch and an already forming bump and bruise.
"Well, Matthew, it looks like you're going to get quite the goose egg from this."
Amidst the crying (you know, that hitching, almost hysterical crying), and in his most plaintive, saddest voice:
"Honk. Honk. Honk."
We love you, Matthew!
1 comment:
Wow! What an update. I can totally relate to most you wrote. Two year olds amaze me. I do have to say that age was the toughest on me. I LOVE the picture smile!
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