We went to an apple orchard last weekend. There were apples, of course, but more importantly, there was a train. When it dropped us off to pick apples, and subsequently to pick up/drop off more people, Matthew cried because he thought it was leaving us! And then we taught him how to pluck apples off the tree; once he figured out that apples are really fun to eat right off the tree, he forgot about the train for a second. Just long enough to let us pick enough apples until the train came back!
We also got to pet some animals at the little barn they had there. The cows seemed to enjoy Matthew's impression of them: "MOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" The sheep also like it; try it the next time you're in a barn.
And this one was taken this afternoon. I told him to pose, and this what I got. He is so funny! Of course, this was accompanied by a very loud (everything's loud these days!) "CHEESE!"
I'll try my best to put more pictures up. In the meantime, CHEESE!!!
You need to blog more! Don't you have some exciting things to talk about!?
Ha, ha what a little poser!!!
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