Here are some pictures of Matthew playing in the basement with his million toys. He loves his "Drop and Roar Dinosaur." His newest trick is dropping (or pushing) a ball (or Lego, or his fingers, or his foot, etc) through the holes and when the dinosaur makes its "roar" sound, he immitates it. As you can see, today he tried to stuff a truck, a little cow, the "driver of the bus" a book, and Indy's feet through the holes. Finally, he settled on just pressing the button to make the lights and sound effects.

His IKEA rocking horse is also a favourite, but we do get a little concerned when he tries to stand on it, or rock himself hard enough to face-plant!

He loves this one. And I figured my dentist didn't need it anymore.
For those of you keeping track, this is what Matthew looked like this time last year:

Just to put it into perspective, look at the tennis ball in comparison to his head. Time flies when you're having fun!
I'm surprised Rob hasn't bubbled wrapped Matthew's face when he rides his rocking horse to protect him from face plants.
Hi there,
I am sure Darren will be pleased to know that little Matthew is already doing stunts. He will have him on a bmx as soon as he is big enough. Myahs idea about bubble wrap may well be needed! Has has already got my niece 5 yrs old and other nephew 2 years in to skateboarding! (not by themselves yet!!)
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