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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Our Weekend

I finally got some pictures of my brother and sister-in-law with Matthew...all it took was to leave them with the camera and let them go crazy! Like us, their version of "going crazy" involves watching television for a couple of hours and still getting to bed before midnight!In the above picture, Jason is learning it is easier to hold a goldfish than it is to hold a toddler! In the picture below, Julie has clearly proven her babysitting skills...Matthew looks like he's actually going to sleep!On Saturday, we went to visit our friends Heather and Tom. Matthew was quite impressed by their dog -- who knew dogs came in cat-size?!
The trip was a success except for a deck incident that resulted in a bruised forehead. Unfortunately, the new bruise matched an older one, so by the end of the night it looked like Matthew was about to sprout horns! I guess that's why holy water bubbles when I'm in church.
And this is how we ended the weekend. Just sitting at home relaxing with a bottle. Thanks Heather and Tom for allowing us to relax this way at your house too.

And the milestone you've (I've) all been waiting for: He says MAMA! At last. And no, I'm not bothered that he calls everyone except Rob Mama. Indy likes it. And Sherwood likes it. And the car likes it. And his dinner likes it...

P.S. For those of you leaving comments, I have added a feature so that when you write them, they come to my e-mail first and I can decide if they're blog-worthy (he he). You know, so I can translate the Portugese before it goes in.

1 comment:

Myah said...

I am so happy Matthew finally said mama!!!!!!!!!!

Love you and miss you!