So, I could go on for about 8 more posts. Instead, I'll recap in short detail:
Friends, Family, Whales, Anne.
We went to at least 2 zoos and a wildlife park, two amusement parks and just hung out with our neighbours and new friends.

I'm really proud of this picture. Well, proud of my little boys: Matthew grabbed Sebastian's hand without any prompting. We got this great picture of the boys loving every minute of brotherhood. I try to remember this picture when they're trying to push each other down the stairs.

Nana and Grandpa came for a visit at the end of August for Matthew's birthday, among other things. We celebrated by taking a trip to another amusement park on the way Brier Island.
Pedal Go Kart: Worst. Invention. Ever.
"Faster Daddy, Faster!!!"
Mini big rigs on a track: Much better idea. Execution (notice the steering wheel that Rob is so desperately holding on to): not so much.
Even Nana and Grandpa got in on the rides.
Heading out.
We whale watched (well, Nana and Grandpa wanted to whale watch, but the rough seas prevented a fantastic view for them). The boat got close enough to two whales we felt we could have touched them. Amazing.
The weekend after Matthew's birthday, we headed to PEI. Unfortunately, it was a weekend of terrible weather, but I got to see Anne of Green Gables' house. You can tell how much that pleased the kids (as they're trying desperately to wiggle away).

The summer ended with ice cream. As summer should. Notice the cone is so big that Sebastian's eyes must almost close in order for his mouth to be big enough to inhale it.
I am noticing a theme to our summer vacation: Sticking our heads in silly cut outs. Like so:

What a fantastic summer. As I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping (ha. starting my Christmas shopping), I'm thinking about what a fun time we've had here in the last 6 months. I can only imagine what the next 6 will bring us!
Now, don't worry: I will get the pictures in from fall by next week, just in time for Christmas. I'm catching up!!!
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