A five year old. Wow. He is such a sweet kid. He loves school and loves to read. We've even "caught" him reading instead of playing with cars. "I just want to find out how this chapter ends." He'll read stories to Sebastian if heavily bribed and will read to us as well (less bribery, but still needs to be prompted). He loves running and riding his bike (right up until the first frost), puzzles and lego. He's also developed a new love of colouring. For the first time ever, he'll sit for an hour and just colour. Our house is filled with art, complete with tags reading "To Mommy (or Daddy, or Sebastian), Love, Matthew." He tries so hard to be good and for the most part he is. He's so sensitive to how other people are feeling and always wants people to be happy. Well, except when Sebastian invades his space. Even still, they are brothers that are really good friends. Sebastian adores him and wants nothing more than to be just like Matthew.
A little Matthew and Sebastian story:
So, Matthew was taking all of his toys away from Sebastian because he decided his younger brother was not allowed to play with them. Sebastian, understandable, was very frustrated by this. I decided to try to let them work it out. Well, I guess that was the wrong decision because Sebastian bit Matthew. That's not acceptable, but that's not where this story is going. After I sent Sebastian to time out for biting, I was talking to Matthew. Amidst his hiccupping sobs because he's been bitten (on the back no less!):
"Matthew, are you alright?"
"Sebastian bit me. Like (hic), Like (hic), Like I was an apple."
I did my very best not to laugh, since he was so serious about being bitten like he was fruit. In the end, we got through it: me without laughing and Matthew without disowning his brother.
I can't believe how fast 5 years slips away. We love you, buddy!
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