Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 27, 2010

And then there's Sebastian

Oh, our spirited little man. We love him so much. His personality is so big and his little heart is even bigger. Unfortunately, so is his temper! I guess he comes by it honestly. His third birthday has come and gone and once again I cannot believe it. He's talking non-stop and loving being 3. "I not a baby anymore, Momma. I a BIG boy." All he wants is to be just like his big brother. He is so affectionate. He's a hugger and an acrobat. He loves us, he loves his brother. He hates spiders.

So smart. He can count to at least 25 (only missing 13 because he can't say it, not necessarily because he doesn't know it). He loves making silly faces and making everyone around him laugh. He knows how to spell his name (thanks to the M-i-c-k-e-y m-o-u-s-e song) and can sing his phone number when heavily prompted. The alphabet is covered except maybe for that bit in the middle where LMNO is kind of one letter.

We had a birthday party for him and he insisted all his "girls" go. At three he's already quite the ladies man! I would love to pinpoint one story about him that can show you how much he makes us laugh, but I can't. He's just funny. Right down to his silly face when he know's you're about to get angry with him. We love you, Sebastian! (Even when you're clearly up to no good, or plotting to take over the world.)

Saturday, December 18, 2010


A five year old. Wow. He is such a sweet kid. He loves school and loves to read. We've even "caught" him reading instead of playing with cars. "I just want to find out how this chapter ends." He'll read stories to Sebastian if heavily bribed and will read to us as well (less bribery, but still needs to be prompted). He loves running and riding his bike (right up until the first frost), puzzles and lego. He's also developed a new love of colouring. For the first time ever, he'll sit for an hour and just colour. Our house is filled with art, complete with tags reading "To Mommy (or Daddy, or Sebastian), Love, Matthew." He tries so hard to be good and for the most part he is. He's so sensitive to how other people are feeling and always wants people to be happy. Well, except when Sebastian invades his space. Even still, they are brothers that are really good friends. Sebastian adores him and wants nothing more than to be just like Matthew.

A little Matthew and Sebastian story:
So, Matthew was taking all of his toys away from Sebastian because he decided his younger brother was not allowed to play with them. Sebastian, understandable, was very frustrated by this. I decided to try to let them work it out. Well, I guess that was the wrong decision because Sebastian bit Matthew. That's not acceptable, but that's not where this story is going. After I sent Sebastian to time out for biting, I was talking to Matthew. Amidst his hiccupping sobs because he's been bitten (on the back no less!):
"Matthew, are you alright?"
"Sebastian bit me. Like (hic), Like (hic), Like I was an apple."
I did my very best not to laugh, since he was so serious about being bitten like he was fruit. In the end, we got through it: me without laughing and Matthew without disowning his brother.

I can't believe how fast 5 years slips away. We love you, buddy!

Almost Caught Up

Halloween: two superheroes. Running from house to house with the neighbours. When it was all done, Sebastian cried: "I wanna talk to more people." He talked the whole hour and a bit we were out. "I Piderman! Trick or TREAT!" I guess this was the first Halloween Sebastian really understood what was going on. At the end of it, he told me he can't wait until next Halloween. "Is it next Sunday, Momma?"

Thursday, December 02, 2010

The Rest of Summer: A Summary

So, I could go on for about 8 more posts. Instead, I'll recap in short detail:
Friends, Family, Whales, Anne.

We went to at least 2 zoos and a wildlife park, two amusement parks and just hung out with our neighbours and new friends.
I'm really proud of this picture. Well, proud of my little boys: Matthew grabbed Sebastian's hand without any prompting. We got this great picture of the boys loving every minute of brotherhood. I try to remember this picture when they're trying to push each other down the stairs.
Nana and Grandpa came for a visit at the end of August for Matthew's birthday, among other things. We celebrated by taking a trip to another amusement park on the way Brier Island.

Pedal Go Kart: Worst. Invention. Ever.
"Faster Daddy, Faster!!!"
Mini big rigs on a track: Much better idea. Execution (notice the steering wheel that Rob is so desperately holding on to): not so much.
Even Nana and Grandpa got in on the rides.
Heading out.
We whale watched (well, Nana and Grandpa wanted to whale watch, but the rough seas prevented a fantastic view for them). The boat got close enough to two whales we felt we could have touched them. Amazing.
The weekend after Matthew's birthday, we headed to PEI. Unfortunately, it was a weekend of terrible weather, but I got to see Anne of Green Gables' house. You can tell how much that pleased the kids (as they're trying desperately to wiggle away).
We also took in an apple festival in a random apple orchard seemingly in the middle nowhere. It was fantastic!
The summer ended with ice cream. As summer should. Notice the cone is so big that Sebastian's eyes must almost close in order for his mouth to be big enough to inhale it.
I am noticing a theme to our summer vacation: Sticking our heads in silly cut outs. Like so:
What a fantastic summer. As I'm finishing up my Christmas shopping (ha. starting my Christmas shopping), I'm thinking about what a fun time we've had here in the last 6 months. I can only imagine what the next 6 will bring us!

Now, don't worry: I will get the pictures in from fall by next week, just in time for Christmas. I'm catching up!!!

Summer Vacation: Cottage

As per usual, we had about 3 days of good weather and 4 days of crap, but we made the most of it. Especially on the good days.

Nothing like splashing your brother on a hot July day.
Daddy's the best tube partner. Ask any 4 or 2 year old.
The indoor days were good, too. Reading and being silly. What more do you want?
Of course, we got in our fair share of fishing and sleeping as well.

So, despite the weather, we had a great vacation. It was a little strange to leave the cottage to get dropped off at the airport instead of a 4 hour drive home, but only a little. It was good to come home to our new province. Why is it that vacations are twice as exhausting as real life???