Well, at least the weather was more promising. Was I worried about Matthew falling into the ocean? Does a bear....nevermind.

He got to meet Theodore. Then he wondered why Theodore was not pulling boats. "Shouldn't he be working?" I wonder if my brother has had an influence on him.

The backyard of our new house. Picture taken while being called a "Dirty Rascal" by the King himself.

While filling in time, Matthew and I went to a science centre. There was a fantastic Lego display. Matthew got to sit in (and "drive") this car made ENTIRELY out of Lego.

You have no idea how excited I was to see how excited my son was in science. I keep telling my kids I'll be happy whatever career path they choose (except if they choose UFC), but I really would love it if one of them wanted to do something scientific.
Like learn about Bernouli's Principles.

Or want to learn about things microscopic.

I guess the Macro is okay, too.

Okay, so I digress. We had a great time. At the end of the trip, we went out for dinner, then for a walk along the harbour. (Read: hAAAARBer). I wanted to take Matthew's picture incessantly, so he decided it was his turn to try. This is his first attempt:

All he had to do was turn the camera around to get this shot. Note, Rob and I are killing ourselves laughing at the first attempt.

We had a great trip. We're excited to go, but a little sad to leave. Hopefully now that the house is sold, I'll be able to work a little harder on the blog. For you, faithful reader (did I steal that from Stephen King? Do you think he's got copyright?).
1 comment:
You better be updating this a whole lot MORE once you move! Can't wait to see you guys this weekend - and can't wait to see what kind of havoc our boys can get into in the course of 24 hours together.
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