It only took a couple of days for him to adjust and is now sleeping soundly.
And ended with yet another ear infection and fever. Not to mention he's getting his 2 year molars...no teeth have been good, but these ones really suck!! You know he's hurting when he'll cuddle for more than 1 minute. Poor Matthew. Hopefully spring gets here soon!!!!
Are our boys not the most adorable humans you've ever seen?
After that, Sebastian and I went to visit Rob's Grandma. Sebastian is her (at least) 25th great-grandchild! She loves babies and although she is a tiny woman, she bounced Sebastian around like he was light as a feather! His check-up yesterday said that he is NOT a feather: 14lbs 3oz at 2 months; he's more like a brick!As always, Nana and Grandpa provided lots of entertainment as well. Matthew got to spend 3 days as Fire Chief and enjoyed every second!