Poor Sebastian; with a December birthday, things tend to get behind because there is SO much going on. As a result, he gets a whole post all to himself.
Our 1 year check-up proved what we've been saying all along: our baby is a big 'un. He's 25.5 lbs and 73cm (I'll have to double check that stat) long. Back on the charts for weight, off for length. He's walking, but not talking. His best form of communication is pointing. We think he's said yogurt, but he was pointing at Indy. Oh well, language will come (and you know what they say: we spend the first couple of years getting them to walk and talk, and the rest of their lives getting them to sit down and shut up).
For Sebastian's first birthday, we celebrated as his older brother did: with an ear infection and the eruption of 4 molars. Needless to say, it's better he won't remember this one! As a result of the cranky/snotty/not-sleeping boy, the planned birthday party had to be rescheduled at least twice. When we finally did have it, our little man was in fine spirits and celebrated like only we can: with too much food and laughter (giggles galore, in his case). It was a fantastic party!
Rob, Matthew and James (our friends' one year old) helped Sebastian open his gifts.

The Men (everyone's looking at a different camera. I love the chaos that is 5 digital cameras at once).

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