Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, December 17, 2007

Our Newest Addition

A Family of 4!
Our family grew by one on December 10th at 8:44am. Sebastian James was born, weighing 8lbs 10.5oz and 20" long. We're all doing well, and Matthew is adjusting as well as can be's pretty hard learning that the Earth does not, in fact, revolve around you! He's not yet in love with his little brother, but I think he has come to the conclusion that he's staying. Christmas should be interesting this year!

Sebastian after his first bath at the hospital

Hopefully you can all start the holidays feeling as lucky as we do. Our Christmas present came a little early this year, and hopefully it will lead us into the best holiday yet. There are sure to be many pictures taken this Christmas, so keep checking's amazing how much a baby changes from day to day (the things you forget!)

Anyway, enjoy your last minute shopping and be sure to stay on the "Nice" list!

Peace on Earth

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Matthew the Hockey Star

Matthew donned skates for the first time this weekend at my work Christmas party. It went surprisingly well, considering how much he hates changing shoes. He actually let Rob get the skates on and made it to the ice for about 5 minutes. He did hate the helmet, so maybe once he gets used to the idea, we'll have better luck!

This picture shows him clearly not enjoying the experience, but Sydney Crosby probably looked like this too at 27 months!

After the skating came the real party. He was reunited with his friend Fiona that he hadn't seen since we moved. They were absolutely adorable together!

Most of the afternoon was spent holding hands and being crazy together (this picture shows them sharing a chair, and likely some pizza). They hopped and jumped around the room for pretty close to 2 hours. Fiona's mom is really pleased that Matthew has such a calming influence on her daughter!! And then it got ugly.
Fiona recovered pretty well. And yes, this is my new screen saver. Sorry Fiona!

Monday, December 03, 2007

Finally, a Post

So, November posting didn't happen either. Thanks to those of you who still check for updates. I've been a slacker, but I can't apologize. It doesn't look good for December, either. Maybe the new year will have me blogging all the time again!

November was nuts for us: I started my maternity leave early to prepare for the move, and Matthew had his last day at his (my) beloved daycare. Remember his first day, when I cried like an idiot? Well, the same thing happened on his last day. I could barely speak and once again, decided too late that mascara was a very VERY bad idea. Matthew thought I was nuts and his teachers surely believe I am unbalanced.

We moved. How good can moving ever go? Well, when you have movers to do practically everything (they pack the GARBAGE!!!), it's as good as it can get. We're finally settled enough that I can post this, but not settled enough to take interior pictures.

Matthew is settling in to his new daycare nicely, although when he asks me about his old teachers ("Katie Kelly go?") I still tear up (let's be honest: I sob.). I'm also getting used to his being there only 3 days a week. Again, I don't know how people do it with a room full of toddlers when just one makes me crazy!!

So, here he is. The newest development is reading himself to sleep. We have to read him Dr. Seuss' ABC book every night. When we are finished ("Zizzer Zazzer Zuzz as you can plainly see."), he says "Matthew read it?" At which point, he puts it on his chest and points at the letters and says them. When we check on him before we go to bed at night, this is usually what we find:

I'm thinking he'll be a scholar!!!

The next picture is just for fun. Matthew loves the camera and decided to photograph himself the other day. This is the result. You'll probably never get another close up of a 2 year-old's armpit. You're welcome.