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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Just one Easter Picture

Not only were they sharing a seat, they were sharing chocolate! Sebastian needs to do everything Matthew does. This goes right down to the silly face when the camera comes out. Look at how hard he's trying to make the same face! These are our boys!


I love spring! I know, it's early; we could still get snow. For now, I'm enjoying warm weather and the smell of things growing. Bittersweet is the fact that our children are part of the things growing. Time is flying at an alarming rate and we're trying to enjoy every minute.
One of my favourite things about spring is rain. Seriously. I get so excited to see the kids playing in puddles. Only little kids can enjoy water this much! They don't mind when water pours into (and out of!) their boots. They love worms. Nothing is so satisfying as that one big jump, the HUGE splash and the head-to-toe laugh.
Happy Spring!