"Come on, Sebastian! Come look at the water. But you have to WALK." Spoken just like his Daddy!

Making the siren sound in the 1940's truck was another. They're both really smart boys, but may have hearing problems...."Only once" meant absolutely nothing to them. In fact, when being told this instruction by a fire fighter, both looked at him like he was reciting quantum physics. (Which Matthew may understand)
The only low-light of the day for Sebastian was Sparky, the fire-dog. Much like animatronics, Sebastian does not care for costume-clad characters. We found the best way to threaten Sebastian into staying with us instead of running off in every direction was to tell him Sparky was coming. We're horrible, we know, but seriously, he's TWO; anything to get him to stay in one spot for more than 3 seconds!
Anyway, we made it up to him by getting ice cream after the event. All's well that ends in ice cream.
Matthew refused to take his shades off, even in the barn. The result: Corey Hart pictures of Boy with Goat.
Our kids are so cute!